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Winter/Spring Plantings

We will update this page every month listing the plants and herbs that should be planted at this time. We reference the University of Florida Ag site, along with several other reference we have found very credible.  Vegetables and Herbs in Red are available from our nursery.


Arugula, Beets, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Chinese Cabbage, Collards, Endive, Kale, Kohlrabi, Lettuce, Mustard, Bunching Onions, Peas-Snow or English, Potatoes, Radish, Spinach, Swiss Chard and Turnips

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Bed Preperation

Now is the time to clean out the old and get ready for the new. Replenish the soil in your beds using organic compost, work castings and other organic soil additives. Refer to our SOil Additive tips for more info

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What do you want to grow?

By the end of January our frost tolerant vegetable starts will be available. There are many different vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, Cauliflower, Kale, and others you should be planting.

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Spring Garden Seminar

Be sure to checkout our Seminar Series. We will be holding a Winter/Spring seminar series. Refer to our seminar schedule for more information

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